The Course

Dive into the world of sounds that shape American English with an exciting exploration of phonetic symbols. This course is a treasure map for unlocking the secrets of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) as it applies to American English pronunciation. You’ll learn to identify, produce, and transcribe each distinct sound, gaining insights into the subtle nuances that can make a world of difference in understanding and being understood. From the familiar thuds of /t/ and /d/ to the less obvious shushes of /ʃ/ and /ʒ/, your ears and tongue are in for an enlightening adventure!

By mastering these symbols, you’ll not only refine your pronunciation but also enhance your listening skills, which is super handy when deciphering regional accents or clarifying what's said in movies, songs, and everyday conversations. This course isn’t just about bringing out your inner linguist; it’s a practical toolkit for educators, actors, language enthusiasts, and anyone keen on cutting through the chatter and connecting with others in the American tapestry of voices. So, get ready to let your speech soar with precision and confidence!

What you will learn

When I first put together this curriculum, I focused on making it as accessible as possible to beginners. You know, diving into the world of phonetics can seem intimidating at first, but I promise, I’ve broken it down into bite-sized, manageable pieces. Every lesson is designed with your learning journey in mind, taking you from the fundamentals right through to the nuances of sound that can really polish your pronunciation. What I'm really excited about is how this structured approach gradually builds your confidence. You'll start noticing improvements in your speech almost immediately and that’s such a rewarding feeling! The resources are laid out in a way that you can easily review them whenever you need a quick refresher, making this learning experience as smooth and effective as possible for you.

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Your instructor

Tannia Suarez is a seasoned educator in the field of phonetics, carrying a wealth of experience and expertise in the American English pronunciation system. With a strong academic background in linguistics and years of hands-on teaching practice, Tannia has dedicated her career to helping students grasp the nuances of American phonetic symbols. Her deep understanding of phonological theory and its practical application has enabled countless learners to improve their pronunciation, enhance their communication skills, and gain confidence in their spoken English.

Beyond her strong professional qualifications, Tannia’s connection to the course "American Phonetic Symbols" runs deep, as she is profoundly passionate about the sounds of American English. She believes in the power of precise pronunciation to bridge cultural gaps and to facilitate more effective communication. Tannia's enthusiasm for the subject is infectious, and she strives to create an engaging, dynamic classroom environment where students are encouraged to be curious about the sounds that shape the language. Her devotion to phonetics is not just about teaching a set of symbols; it's about unveiling a key component of linguistic identity and expression for speakers of American English.


A Deep Dive into the Sounds of American English


Mastering Pronunciation with Ease


Engaging Activities for Phonetic Expertise